Saturday, June 16, 2007

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy behind

Ooops! I'll admit, i have been a wee bit lazy with my blogging, but I swear, its just with the blogging part. I have followed the course faithfully. Scouts honor. Where to begin when one is sooooo behind? Lets see, quick rundown. Video ninja- FUNNY. I've heard people refer to it before, but was like "whatever". Shame on me. Lets see, youtube I use daily and I was addicted to myspace for a hot minute, but the fever has gone down. I knew the library had an account, but didn't know exactly how many. I think that is a cool way to reach out and advertise to the public. However, I did not like the profile song... I'm totally lying. The reason I say I did not like it is because it was stuck in my head for 2 days. Not cool, walking aroung, humming, this book is so awesome! Pure madness!!!!!

Did I mention that ELF totally ROCKS! I simply looooooooooooovvvvvveeeeee it. I received a text the other day telling me that I had 1 item due that day. Can we say AMAZING? Well, can we? I also like the detailed emails they send out of what items are checked out, whats on the request list and what is overdue. Nice, very nice. I also played around with the other websites mentioned, but as you can see, Elf is the one that really impressed me. I do have a friend that is trying really hard to convince me to join Shelfari, but... we'll see, we'll see. What should I read next was also a cool and handy site.

I think this covers up to week #6, I'm not sure, but oh well. This blog is lengthy enough, I guess I will finish up with the rest in another day or so. Until then, Adios and good day. I say good day!

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